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sounds way better in Spanish

Be Careful | The Weekly Letra


Be Careful | The Weekly Letra

Today's letra(s) comes from Cuatro Soneto de Amor by Rafael de León. This is the second part, which you can see Mayte Martín sing live (Ten Cuidao) in the video below.

Me avisaron a tiempo: ten cuidado,
mira que miente más que parpadea,
que no le va a tu modo su ralea,
que es de lo peorcito del mercado.

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Los ojos como las moras | The Weekly Letra


Los ojos como las moras | The Weekly Letra

Yesterday I received an email from a reader, Max Herzog, a guitarist based in San Diego, who came across today's letra on my blog. (I originally posted it about four years ago. I struggled with the translation then, and I'm still struggling with it today.) Max had some great insights along with a smoother translation which I wanted to share with you. You'll find his translation below (with just a couple of small changes from me).


Los ojos como las moras
y los dientes de marfil
y tu boca es una fuente
donde una noche bebí 
agua con ansias de muerte

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Now That I Want to Go Back Up | Viernes con una Letra


Now That I Want to Go Back Up | Viernes con una Letra

Today another one that I got from Zorri. He is full of letras.


This one is kind of fuerte.


Contigo bajé la cuesta
y ahora que quiero subirla
que trabajito me cuesta

I went down the hill with you
and now that I want to go back up,
Oh how much work it is

We all know a lot of the sentido gets lost in translation. The letras just don't have the same feeling in English. And then at times there are specific things that really cannot be translated within the verse itself.

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