Here's a caña followed by a video of Carmen Mora accompanied by Carmen Linares. (A couple of years ago we studied this dance with Mercedes Ruíz on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez. I can't wait to go back and learn more from her in a couple of weeks on the next tour!)
Aquél que tiene tres viñas
y el tiempo le quita dos,
que se conforme con una
y le dé gracias a Dios
May he who had three vineyards,
two of them taken by time,
make it work with one
and give thanks to God
The letra starts about 2 minutes in...
A Translation Note:
I struggled to translate this one. I sent a few versions to Julie and Erica and asked for their opinions. It was hard to agree on which one worked the best. So, here is an alternate translation:
May he who has three vineyards,
and two of which get taken by time,
make it work with one
and give thanks to God
As often is the case, Francie was interested in being a part of the process of writing out the letra. And, as usual, she didn't offer much obvious help - her main intent was to eat the pen - though she did increase the level of fun in the work environment ...
Here's what we ended up with:
Here are the ladies dancing la caña at the Lakewood Center for the Arts.