Viewing entries tagged
soleá por bulerías letras

Sorrow in My Soul | The Weekly Letra


Sorrow in My Soul | The Weekly Letra

When we were in Jerez we spent a lot of time at Tabanco El Pasaje watching flamenco. You can see shows there just about every afternoon and night. Below you can see a video of Juan Loreto dancing soleá por bulerías.

Soleá por Bulerías

Qué pena tengo en el alma
se murió la madre mía
cuando se anunciaba el alba

What sorrow I feel in my soul
my mother died
when dawn came

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I Don't Want You To Talk To Anybody | The Weekly Letra


I Don't Want You To Talk To Anybody | The Weekly Letra

Last week we were blown away by Jesús Carmona here in Portland. He gave workshops and put on a last-minute show, Ensayo de Una Vida, which he created and debuted right here in town! I'll tell you more about that later. For now, here's a letra and a video of Jesús dancing at Corral de la Moreria. (Below the video you can see some pictures from our workshops last week.)


No quiero que hables con nadie
Sólo con tu confesor
con tu padre
con tu madre

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Punishment | The Weekly Letra


Punishment | The Weekly Letra

Below you'll find a video of El Sordera singing today's letra and yesterday's coletilla. Enjoy!

Soleá por Bulerías

Dios va a mandarte a ti un castigo muy grande
Y eso es porque tú te lo mereces
¿Ay por qué me vienes culpando?
Y yo culpa no tengo
Que de ti habla la gente

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