Valentine’s Day is upon us,

so here’s a love letra for you today:

Soleá por Bulerías

Yo voy a perder la razón
en cuanto hablo contigo
a mi me engaña mi corazón

I’m going to lose my mind
When I talk to you
my heart plays tricks on me

You can listen to Juan Talega sing it here as a Soleá de Alcalá about three minutes in.

And you can watch and listen to him sing it in the video below. It’s the final letra.

The first letra you hear in that video is this one.

Stay tuned for a collection of letras on love is coming your way. In the meantime,

Some More Love Letras

I’m Falling In Love

I Love You So

Yo Bien Te Camelo

Válgame Dios

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
