Soleá de Alcalá

¿A quién le contaré yo
las fatiguitas que estoy pasando?
se los voy a contar a la tierra
cuando me estén enterrando.

To whom will I tell
of the hardships I'm experiencing?
I'll tell the land
when they bury me.

You can watch and hear Diego el Cigala sing it in the video below accompanied by Diego del Morao at about 1:30:

You can watch Manolete dance to it at about 2:30 in the video below:

Here is another version:

¿A quién le contaré yo
lo que a mí me está pasando?
Se lo contaré a la tierra
cuando me estén enterrando.

To whom will I tell
of all that is happening to me?
I will tell the land
when they bury me.

You can hear Juan Talega sing it here.

While researching this letra, I found it in many books: Hereherehere, and here. And this passage discusses it in English.

I like this post about the different meanings of fatiguitas.

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Cover photo by Brandon Green on Unsplash
