Don't Tell Me You're Too Old To Dance | The Weekly Letra


Don't Tell Me You're Too Old To Dance | The Weekly Letra

Don’t tell me you’re too old to dance.

Because Tía Curra, who you’ll see dancing in the video below, was in her late seventies when I filmed it.

I know you’re going to love her signature move at the end where she taps her tummy with the palm of her hand to the compás.

But first, here’s a bulerías letra referencing La Calle Nueva, one of the most, if not the most, historically important flamenco streets located in the Santiago neighborhood of Jerez.

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Portland Flamenco Events & Experience Flamenco: What's Up?


Portland Flamenco Events & Experience Flamenco: What's Up?

Curious about the name change you see on our Portland Flamenco Events Facebook page?

(It’s new name is Experience Flamenco Portland)

Four years ago I merged Portland Flamenco Events (my Portland based flamenco education business) with Experience Flamenco (my business focused on creating educational Flamenco Tours to Spain) online.

It has become increasingly confusing operating as both Experience Flamenco and Portland Flamenco Events, so I have switched everything over to the name 'Experience Flamenco…”

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Get Better at Improvising With This Activity | The Weekly Letra


Get Better at Improvising With This Activity | The Weekly Letra

Last week in preparation for my show, I practiced improvising more than usual as I wasn’t sure just what Alfonso would be singing for me. I wanted to help myself to feel comfortable in the moment, in the compás, and to increase the chances that I wouldn’t just do the same thing over and over again.

Following today’s bulerías letra and video of Rancapino Chico I’ll guide you through an activity to enhance your improvisation skills and train your ear.

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Por Apellido Rosa | The Weekly Letra


Por Apellido Rosa | The Weekly Letra

I first heard today’s letra sung by Camarón. I would go back on the recording and listen to this particular letra over and over and over again. Those words! And the way he sang the last two lines especially always got me, and still gets me. (Below you can see a video of him singing it live and another of Pepe de Lucia singing for Pepita Ibarz.)

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