I thought you’d enjoy this peek at inside the Feria del Caballo in Jerez.

It’s Angelita Gómez and Ana María López dancing bulerías at the Peña Los Cernícalos caseta as Manuel de la Fragua sings.


Con un sabor que huele a gloria
tú eres una dalia del campo
por consejo de tus padres
dejaste de ser mi novia
y ahora no te quiere nadie

With such a delicious smell,
You are a country dahlia
At the advice of your parents,
you left me
and now nobody loves you

I found the full letra here.

You can listen to El Borrico sing this letra por fandangos here.

In the video he sings some of the lines a bit differently:

Con un sabor que huele a flores
tú eres una dalia del campo
por consejo de tu madre
dejaste de ser mi novia
y ahora no me quiere nadie

With the smell of flowers,
You are a country dahlia
At the advice of your mother,
you left me
and now nobody loves me

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Cover photo of dahlias by Timo C. Dinger on Unsplash
