Today I wrap up the flamenco cuplé series with a bonus post, one more song, and a few more videos:
Un Compromiso
Alfredo García Segura y Gregorio García Segura
Sin firmar un documento,
ni mediar un previo aviso,
sin hablarnos, ni mirarnos
ha nacío un compromiso.
Today's letra(s) comes from Cuatro Soneto de Amor by Rafael de León. This is the second part, which you can see Mayte Martín sing live (Ten Cuidao) in the video below.
Me avisaron a tiempo: ten cuidado,
mira que miente más que parpadea,
que no le va a tu modo su ralea,
que es de lo peorcito del mercado.
Yesterday I received an email from a reader, Max Herzog, a guitarist based in San Diego, who came across today's letra on my blog. (I originally posted it about four years ago. I struggled with the translation then, and I'm still struggling with it today.) Max had some great insights along with a smoother translation which I wanted to share with you. You'll find his translation below (with just a couple of small changes from me).
Los ojos como las moras
y los dientes de marfil
y tu boca es una fuente
donde una noche bebí
agua con ansias de muerte
I have a guajiras verse to share with you today along with a video of Belén Maya and Mayte Martín.
I'm in Seattle winding down after workshops Belén Maya this week.
On Wednesday I went to a lecture where Belén spoke about herself as an artist.
Today a vidalita letra and a video of Mayte Martín teaching cante...
This is part of the vidalita that Mayte Martin sings on her album Querencia. It's her adaptation of one by Juan Valderrama.
Pay no attention to what people say
They are jealous, for I love freely
because my love is like a wild bird …
Ven a borrrame los fracasos de mi mente ven a llenarme de caricias diferentes ven a sacarme de este pozo de amargura donde me encuentro yo...
Today, fandangos de Huelva and a video of Mayte Martín singing.
Here is the first copla Mayte Martín sings in Conquero. You might have seen the second one here last week, and the final one the week before. It's all a bit mixed up but, then, so am I. Hmm, though upon second thought, that's how flamenco is normally sung. The singer mixes and matches verses in the moment, so this makes perfect sense!
Fandangos de Huelva
Y los dientes de marfíl
los ojos como las moras
y tu boca es una fuente
donde una noche bebí
agua con ansias de muerte
It's another fandangos verse from Mayte Martín's Conquero, which we are dancing to in Ricardo's beginning workshop. Here is Antonio Rengel singing it. It seems he may have written it, but I am not sure. If you know, please let me know.
Some Fandangos de Huelva. (We'll be dancing to a version sung by Mayte Martín with Ricardo this weekend.)
which I wanted to share with you. You'll find his translation below. (I made just one small change to it.)
Fandangos de Huelva
Paco Toronjo
Una noche tormentosa
quise dormir y no podía
soñé que estabas con otro
y hasta la almohada mordía
los celos me vuelven loco
"Déjame saber tu letra favorita, Tell me your favorite letra," I begged Ricardo. He gave me this one, from Ten Cuidao, a bulerías by Mayte Martín. Perhaps next week I'll post the first letra.
Anyway, here you'll see a video of Mayte Martín performing the whole thing live, and below that you'll find Ricardo's favorite part.
Keep Reading
Navega Sola by Mayte Martín
Al primer rayo de la luz de la mañana
despierto siempre preguntando dónde estás.
Con mi aliento empaño el cristal de mi ventana
y veo mi barquilla echarse a la mar.