Today I wrap up the flamenco cuplé series with this bonus post where you'll get to hear Pitingo singing Un Compromiso. (It is one of the songs Manuel Lombo sang in Part 4 which you can hear at 8:40 in the video here.)

Un Compromiso
Alfredo García Segura y Gregorio García Segura 

Sin firmar un documento,
ni mediar un previo aviso, 
sin hablarnos, ni mirarnos
ha nacío un compromiso. 

Sin promesas nos marchamos, 
ni me obligas, ni te obligo, 
pero yo sé que soñamos,  
tú conmigo y yo contigo. 

Y por eso tu destino es como el mío,  
si tú eres vela, yo soy viento, 
si tú eres cauce, yo soy río, 
y si tú eres llaga, yo lamento. 

Nadie habló de enamorarnos
pero Dios así lo quiso, 
y tan solo de tratarnos
ha nacío un compromiso.

Without signing a document,
or any prior notice, 
without talking or looking at one another
an agreement was born.  

Without a vow we left, 
you don't force me, I don't force you, 
but I know that we dream,
you about me and I about you. 

And because of this your destiny is like mine,
if you're a sail, I'm the wind, 
if you're a riverbed, I'm the river, 
and if you're a wound, I lament. 

Nobody spoke of us falling in love
but that is how God wanted it, 
and just from addressing it
an commitment was born.

You can hear Antonio Machín sing it here.

And here are some other flamenco renditions you might enjoy watching and hearing:

Mayte Martin

Jeromo Segura

Miguel de Tena

Fernanda de Utrera

By the way, I found the words here

Missed Any of The Flamenco Cuplé Series?

Catch up here:

(Part One) What's a Cuplé

(Part Two) From Copla to Cuplé

(Part Three) The Flamenco Cuplé

(Part Four) The Juerga Cuplé

(Part Five) How To Dance To a Cuplé
