Is this why I do it? You see, I’ve noticed that flamenco is always telling me things, important things that go waaaaaaay beyond the art form. Sometimes I am able to hear, sometimes I am not. So it tells me things again and again, just in case I need reminders... which I usually do. Estoy muy agradecida, and I’m working on becoming a better listener.
Maybe you’re wondering just what kinds of things it tells me. Here are some of the important ones…
to listen to my intuition and trust my instincts
to express my true feelings
to be present
to adapt
to prepare
to take risks
to focus
to act with intention
to commit
to attune to my surroundings, to myself, to others
to be me, genuinely me
to have confidence in myself
to accept what is happening
to move on
to be curious
to take care of my body
to honor my creativity
to experiment and play...jugar!!!
to enjoy!
I guess mainly it’s telling me that just about anything I learn and do in flamenco I can apply to my life. Let me say that one more time, for myself, because as I've already mentioned, a veces no escucho bien...
Lo que necesito hacer en flamenco necesito hacer en mi vida acutal.
For now I wonder, what has flamenco told you? Or perhaps you've learned some lessons from another form of art? I would love to know. Leave a comment here.
UPDATE: See an updated version of this post here.