Here’s a soleá letra along with a video of Karen Lugo interpreting it.
Here is a bulerías that you would hear at the end of a guajiras. I learned this one from Alfonso Cid.
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Here's a signature letra sung by El Chozas. Melchora Ortega sang it to us during our private show on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez.
Bulerías …
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Sound made with the feet in flamenco is most commonly called zapateado, coming from the word zapato (shoe.) It can also be called taconeo coming from the word tacón (heel). Here are the basic flamenco footwork techniques that are used to create sound patterns with the feet.
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Ever find yourself getting stuck in your head during class?
I know how you feel.
Today I will share with you four things you can do when you find yourself in this situation and I’ll show you a video you’ll LOVE of Beatríz Morales.
But first, a story.
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Here’s a guajiras letra and a video of Karen Lugo dancing to it plus another video of Soledad Bracamonte with her interpretation from the Rito y Geografía del Cante series.
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Here is an excerpt from José Galán’s Cierra Los Ojos y Mírame followed by the live flashmob direct from the Bienal de Sevilla with José Valencia and María Terremoto singing.
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Today’s letra is a bit different than usual. It’s not actually a song verse…
Watch the presentation of José Galán’s choreography for the 2018 Bienal de Sevilla flashmob, and read the phrases recited during the introduction. Next week I’ll publish part ofthe song along with a video from the actual flashmob.
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Here is a letra from Rocío Jurado’s Un Puente Por La Bahia. You can see her sing it live in the video to follow.
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It’s the final day of the year, so let’s take some time to reflect before ringing in the new year. What moments stood out in your flamenco life this year?
Below you can see some of my favorite flamenco memories from 2018 (in chronological order). I feel extremely grateful for the wonderful experiences this year delivered. One of the things I most love is how each event pictured below offered a new opportunity to join with flamenco lovers from across the country (and the world in some cases) to enjoy this incredible art form together.
Here are my top seven flamenco memories of the year
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Today watch a video of Arcángel singing por fandangos.
Here is one of the letras he sings
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Here are two interpretations of Villancicos de Gloria, Pitingo and Arcángel…
¡Felices Fiestas!
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Today marks the beginning of winter.
Here is letra for you on this, the shortest day of the year.
¡Feliz Invierno & Happy Solstice!
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The zambombas are in full swing in Jerez right now. I wish I were there. So, here is a villancico. First the words then a video then an activity for you.
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Here is a fandangos letra for you and a video of Paco Toronjo from Carlos Saura’s movie, Flamenco:
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Did you set a flamenco (or any type of) resolution last January?
How’s that going?
If the goals you set feel like distant memories, read on. Today I will tell you how you can get back on track and explain why you don’t want to beat yourself up for having let things slide.
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Here are the words to Rosa María along with a video of Rancapino Chico you do not want to miss…