Today I share with you a Lorca piece, café de Chinitas along with a video from Compañia Rafaela Carrasco. Emilio will be dancing to this in his own way this weekend; I can’t wait to see what he does.
While my obsession with flamenco began twenty years ago, I still often find myself flipping out, amazed, jaw dropped and thinking how flamenco is so *%&#@ing cool. Today a letra and a video to demonstrate my point.
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I love asking flamenco artists I admire what advice they have to offer to the flamenco student. Here are thirteen suggestions from some of the best:
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Do you wonder where to go to learn about flamenco history? Flamenco singing? Flamenco styles? The terminology?
Below you’ll find a variety of resources to assist you on your quest for more flamenco knowledge.
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Today enjoy a Bulerias de Cádiz letra along with a video of Fabiola Barba that I took during the last Flamenco Tour to Jerez.
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Here is a tangos letra and a video of Beatríz Morales dancing to it along with a video of Arcángel.
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Here is a bulerías letra we studied with José Mijita last weekend here in Jerez. It’s from his Latin Grammy nominated album, Se Llama Flamenco.
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Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to so far on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez …
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Twenty years ago when I went to Spain for the first time, I got to see Paco de Lucía perform at Teatro de la Maestranza during the Bienal de Sevilla. This happened after I had been living there for about six months at a time when I was just beginning to understand what flamenco was.
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Greetings from Jerez. I’m here on the Flamenco Tour, up to my ears in bulerías and loving it. So, here’s one for you today along with a video of Gema Moneo.
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Here is a bulerías letra for you and a video of Juanilloro recording in Jerez.
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Below you’ll find a letra along with a video of José Mercé singing it for Manuela Carrasco.
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Here is a tangos letra and a video of Manuel Liñan dancing to it that will blow you away.
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Bulerías is a fiesta-style dance typical of Jerez, Spain. It is the most improvisational form of flamenco and probably the silliest as well. The following video from a produce shop in Jerez gives you a picture of what bulerías is all about …
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,Earlier this week Juanilloro, a young flamenco singer from La Plazuela in Jerez passed away. He was only 38 years old. Here’s a video of him singing and dancing along with a letra.
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Video interview with flamenco dancer and choreographer Manuel Liñan, winner of Spain's prestigious National Dance Award (Premio Nacional de Danza 2017), where he talks about life as a professional flamenco dancer and choreographer.
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Here a letra and a video of Zorri dancing bulerías that will make your day.
Tengo un canasto …
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Here is a bulerías letra with a video of El Terremoto singing it.
Quiera tu madre o no quiera …