Part 2: How to Simplify Your Bulerías (And Your Life)


Part 2: How to Simplify Your Bulerías (And Your Life)

This is a story about how doing less in bulerías can serve us well. It's the follow up to the previous post on observation. Read on, and find out how to simplify your bulerías and perhaps even your life a bit too.November 2013, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

She said she was going to show them how to dance on a losa.


Y por fiesta.


And party style.

It was Ani who said that. Ana María López. She said it on a Monday morning in Jerez.

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I Don't Even Want to Look at You | Viernes con una Letra


I Don't Even Want to Look at You | Viernes con una Letra

On the past two Flamenco Tours to Jerez we've had a cante class with José 'El Mijita.' Exciting, Scaaaary, and FUN! You can see video of that at the end of the post.

Above is one of his favorite letras to sing por bulerías; it's one we worked on in the classes.

Why do we study the cante?

We do it to expand our understanding of flamenco as a whole. Because as we know, the dance does not exist on its own. We do it to broaden our understanding of the language of flamenco. To learn new things. And, of course, to have fun...

During the class last spring Lily, one of the students, held onto Héctor Raúl for the duration of the class. She wasn't quite sure why, but I'm pretty positive it was a subconscious act done for support.

Because this experience took people out of their comfort zones.

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Part 1: Four Dance Tips Learned from Monday Morning Observations


Part 1: Four Dance Tips Learned from Monday Morning Observations

A story on the value of observation from a past Flamenco Tour (followed by four bulerías take-aways):

Sunday night I was writing

About flamenco and Jerez and what I'm doing here and what I want to learn here.

And I set some intentions for the week.

I had a few.

One was to Observe

To observe people dancing bulerías. Especially people whose dancing I liked. In class and out. Anywhere and everywhere.

To watch them, really watch them. And to notice what was happening.

To notice how they responded to the cante.

To notice how they danced with the compás.

To notice when they did what they did.

To notice the things I liked.

To notice the things that worked.

Maybe even to notice the things I didn't like.

And to notice the things that didn't work.

On Monday morning I went to bulerías class

That was the day Ani taught the ladies about dancing on a floor tile. I'll tell you about that in the next post.

It was also the day she read my mind.

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Bulerías de Jerez | Viernes con una Letra


Bulerías de Jerez | Viernes con una Letra

I'll be honest. In the beginning, I wasn't a huge fan of flamenco singing.

It wasn't that I didn't like it.

It intrigued me that's for sure. But I didn't feel inclined to sit around and listen to it a whole bunch.

It didn't take long before that changed.

I guess it happened early on during my time in Sevilla, on that first flamenco trip.

And actually, while I was initially drawn to the baile, the cante played a huge roll in getting me hooked on flamenco ... and keeping me in it.

Just like the compás.

And now,

Well, you know how it is now.

Which brings me to the letra:

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Three Things to Remember When Dancing Bulerías


Three Things to Remember When Dancing Bulerías

I have some more bulerías advice from Ani for you about feeling good today. But first,

Let's talk briefly about steps

Because you learn a lot of steps in in bulerías class.

You could say they are just steps.

To play with.

To practice.

To try out.

To hold on to. (Or to let go of.)

They can even be thought of as tools for understanding how the conversation works.

But going back to the liking them thing...

One day in Jerez

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Sweaty Hard Work


Sweaty Hard Work

I wrote this back in the fall of 2013 when I was in Barcelona studying with David Romero. I thought you might enjoy reading it and finding out more about him...

November 22, 2013

I told you I'd be visiting Barcelona to study with David Romero.

I told you I'd been wanting to take classes from him for years.

And here I am in Barcelona


(Catalán. We are in Barcelona after all.)

Studying with David.

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Bulerías de Jerez in Jerez


Bulerías de Jerez in Jerez

Bulerías doesn’t exist anywhere as it does in Jerez.

It’s just its own thing there

And that's that.

That's why they call it Bulerías de Jerez.

I'm not saying you have to be in Jerez to do bulerías or anything like that.

Not at all.

You can find and do bulerías all over the place.

Nor am I saying you have to be from Jerez to do awesome bulerías.

Not at all.

(Many of you know how Ricardo first got me with his bulerías back in 2006. )

But, anyway, bulerías de Jerez, in Jerez

In Jerez you hear bulerías all over the place.

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Todo es de Color | Viernes con una Letra


Todo es de Color | Viernes con una Letra

I saw this video the other day on Facebook with Argentina (so beautifully) singing this coletilla,

Todo es de color...

Accompanied by Farruquito, sitting at a dining room table. (You can hear it at about 3 minutes.)

And so, today's letra

It's actually an entire song, and it's kind of long, and you definitely don't want to miss the video of Lole and Manuel performing it live which you'll find (along with the translation) as you scroll down in the post...

Todo es de Color 
J.M. Flores*

Todo es de color

Todo el mundo cuenta sus penas
pidiendo la comprensión, 
quien cuenta sus alegrías
no comprende al que sufrió


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Que Nadie Vaya a Llorar | Viernes con una Letra

I told you that today I'd post a video of Manuel Molina singing...

Along with another letra:

Que Nadie Vaya a Llorar

Que nadie vaya a llorar el día que yo me muera
es más hermoso cantar aunque se cante con pena
que nadie vaya llevar ni flores ni ropa negra
no me vayáis a enterrar para pudrirme bajo tierra
es más hermoso cantar mientras mi carne se quema
y luego me ofrecéis al mar o al aire o sobre la arena o en un jardin,
me da igual
pero cuando yo muera que nadie vaya a llorar

Nobody cry the day that I die
It's more beautiful to sing even if one sings with sorrow
Nobody bring flowers or wear black clothes
Don't bury me just to rot underground
It's more beautiful to sing while my flesh burns
And then offer me to the sea, or to the air, or over the sand, or in a garden,
It doesn't matter to me,
But when I die, nobody cry

You can watch another version here, one that will be part of the upcoming Flamenco Sin Fronteras documentary.

Oh, and you might want to check this out as well.

At his funeral, people sang as he requested, and his daughter, Alba Molina wore white.

You might also enjoy these...

If You Truly Believe in God

Paco & Camarón por bulerías

Tell Me

Paco Se Fue



Three Things That Get Me Out of a Funk | Viernes con una Letra

I want to tell you about some things that help me to feel better when I'm in a funky place. I also want to show you a very cool video and share a flamenco verse with you. But first, some words I wrote last week

(my first week back home post Flamenco Tour)

Coming home I feel overwhelmed.

This is not new.

It is how I usually feel after a trip to Spain. Excited to be back but overwhelmed and sort of confused at the same time.

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How Understanding Green Bananas Will Help You Dance Bulerías


How Understanding Green Bananas Will Help You Dance Bulerías

I want to tell you about green bananas. Because knowing about green bananas will help you when it's time to dance bulerías. (In Jerez or anywhere really).

And so, a short story from Jerez

Tú vas a comer un plátano verde?

This is what Ani asked Ana.

Ani is Ana María López, the bulerías teacher.

Ana is a student from Russia.

Un plátano verde is a green banana.

You don’t eat a green banana

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La Luneta | Viernes con una Letra


La Luneta | Viernes con una Letra

On Friday I went to the Peña la Bulería. As you may recall, it is literally steps away from our apartments here in Jerez. I was feeling sleepy and my legs were not looking forward to standing on the hard marble floor after having spent a good deal of time in flamenco shoes and walking on hard streets that day, but once there I was glad I went. As usual.

A young singer named Enrique Remache was performing.

I heard many fantastic letras, like like this one, and jaleos, and took great pleasure in witnessing the reactions of the público.

The reactions

Always one of my favorite aspects of seeing flamenco in Jerez. Men looking at each other and laughing with pleasure upon hearing a particular thing sung a particular way. I won't try to explain this. Just please visit Jerez sometime in your life, and see.

I also love seeing the mix of generations at the peña shows. Teenagers to people in their 70's voluntarily going to hear flamenco.

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