A fandangos letra and a video of Paco Toronjo...
Parece mentira
que un sueño quite otro sueño,
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This will make your day.
It's a video of David Lagos live por alegrías accompanied by his brother, Alfredo Lagos.
You should know, if you don't already, that David is nice.
You should also know, if you don't already, that he writes beautiful letras.
And you might as well know that one of my favorite things ever is listening to David Lagos sing por alegrías and that when I hear him sing alegrías live I cry every time ...
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A letra por bulerías
Yo quisiera ser Sanson
para quererte
y que tú fuera Dalila
para aborrecerte
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Below find a snippet of Lole y Manuel's Dime along with a video.
Dime ...
Si has cortao alguna flor
sin que temblaran tus manos, dime ...
Tell me ...
If you have ever picked a flower
without your hands trembling, tell me ...
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From Potito: El Último Cantaor,
A verse from Bulerías ClavásQue guapa eres
la torre del oro te la compro
prima si quieres
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You've likely read all of the written interviews here with Mercedes Ruíz. You've probably seen the interview with her husband, Santiago Lara.
And now, here's that video interview with Mercedes Ruíz that I've been promising you
We filmed it in Jerez last spring just after the FlamencoTour.
In the video below Mercedes talks about the road to becoming a soloist, how she navigates motherhood and flamenco dance, her thoughts on teaching those of us who are not pros, and some other stuff.
Oh, and by the way, you'll probably love her even more after seeing this video, so get ready...
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Here is Diego el Cigala's version of this letra por alegrías:
Me olvidaste y te olvidé
Me quisiste y yo te quiero
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It is the thing that everyone dances, even the guitarists and the singers.
It is the thing that, besides Mercedes, keeps calling me back to Jerez.
It is where we really let our personalities show.
But there are certain must-knows for doing this dance.
Perhaps the first is that we all need to do it. I'm not joking about that.
You can’t do flamenco and NOT do bulerías, even though I used to think you could.
It is not easy.
We know that.
So let's look at five essentials, five things we need to know in order to dance bulerías:
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Hear Camarón sing the following bulerías letra at 1 minute and 25 seconds in the video below:
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The estribillo below and the way he sings it,
Well ...
Enjoy today's letra and watch this video of Belén Maya and Manuel Liñan.
Mi vida es mía
y tu vida es tuya
por qué no las juntamos
y hacemos una leré
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Si tú piensas que me caigo
con un pie yo me mantengo
si tú tienes quien te quiera
también tengo quien por mi pase duquelas.
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Below is the verse.
Followed by a video - possibly my favorite sevillanas ever - of Camarón singing it, with Tomatito and Joaquín Amador on guitar and Manuela Carrasco dancing.
Isidro Muñoz
Pa qué me llamas prima…
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I actually did fall in love in Triana ...
... a long time ago.
But that's not what I'm talking to you about today.
I'm jut sharing this letra that Lamiae sang tonight.
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Triana, Triana
Qué bonita está Triana
Cuando le ponen al puente
Banderas republicanas
We've talked about how it is common to have different variations to the words of traditional flamenco letras.
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A letra for today
Si quieres venirte, vente,
si quieres estarte, estáte,
nos quedaremos a solas…
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From Camarón
Una rosa pa tu pelo te voy a regalar
y cuando tú te vayas de mi vera
me tienes que recordar.
A rose for your hair I will give you
and when you leave my side
you will have to remember me.
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Yo no tenía puertecita en que llamar
yo no tenía ná más que la tuya
y me la encuentro claveteá
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El limón con la canela
la rosita con el jazmín
así me huelen tus carnes
cuando yo me arrimo a ti.
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I am in Córdoba. I like it here.
This evening we were taking a stroll, my nieces, my sister, and I.
Dando un paseo
That's something I like about Spain. Families and friends taking walks around the town together. It is normal. It happens every day. So many people out and about. Together.
We walked by jasmine
Lots of jasmine hanging down the wall.
El olor.
The smell.
And so, one of my favorite tangos, from Camarón along with a video ...