Think you know a lot about bulerías? Don't think you know enough? 

Test your bulerías knowledge by taking the quiz below.

It's short.

It's fun.

And you might learn something or just bathe in the satisfaction of realizing how much you already know.


Now watch the video below of Manuela Carpio for an AMAZING example of how to dance bulerías.

The only thing you don’t get to see is her salida, but you can see the all of the other elements of the structure. Can you pick out each part?

If you’re unable to view the video above, visit this link to watch.

Now, please don’t feel intimidated. Nobody expects you to dance bulerías as well as Manuela does!

Here’s another example that might be more relatable:

If you’re unable to view the video, watch it here.

This is the daughter of Estefania Aranda (one of our bulerías teachers on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez) dancing at a holiday party in Jerez. Again, we don’t get to see her salida, but you can see all of the other elements of a bulerías dance. Can you identify them?

You can also access the Bulerías Quiz here.

How Did You Do?

How did the quiz go? What do you still need help with? What questions about dancing bulerías remain? What is your biggest bulerías struggle? Let me know in the comments below.

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