Viewing entries tagged
Emilio Ochando

How the Pandemic Impacted Flamenco Dancer Emilio Ochando


How the Pandemic Impacted Flamenco Dancer Emilio Ochando

Curious how the pandemic lockdown affected Emilio Ochando’s artistic life?

Listen in on our recent conversation, or check out the summary below.

Emilio talked about how the pandemic has influenced his dancing and creativity, projects he’s been involved with, his upcoming online workshops, the Premios MAX, and what he’s envisioning for the future…

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A Year In Flamenco: My Top Seven Flamenco Memories of the Year


A Year In Flamenco: My Top Seven Flamenco Memories of the Year

It’s the final day of the year, so let’s take some time to reflect before ringing in the new year. What moments stood out in your flamenco life this year?

Below you can see some of my favorite flamenco memories from 2018 (in chronological order). I feel extremely grateful for the wonderful experiences this year delivered. One of the things I most love is how each event pictured below offered a new opportunity to join with flamenco lovers from across the country (and the world in some cases) to enjoy this incredible art form together.

Here are my top seven flamenco memories of the year

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The Strength of the Air | The Weekly Letra


The Strength of the Air | The Weekly Letra

Below watch (and be blown away by) Emilio Ochando's award-winning piece Tinevo, which took first place in the XXVº Certamen de Coreografía de Danza Española y Flamenco, where he and three other dancers do their thing with castanets and bata de cola. They dance to this original fandangos by Los Makarines:

Los Makarines

Cantan las hojas,
bailan las peras en el peral,
bailan las rosas,
rosas del viento no del rosal,
y nubes y nubes flotaban,
dormían al ras del aire,
todo el espacio giran con ella,
la fuerza del AIRE.

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Sevillanas You'll Love | The Weekly Letra


Sevillanas You'll Love | The Weekly Letra

You're going to LOVE the video below of the Makarines performing sevillanas live. The third copla they sing is an excerpt from this sevillanas and it has to do with the Rocío pilgrimage. Here it is:

Sevillanas (De: Porque El Relente Le Daba)
José Miguel Évora/Isidro Muñoz*

Porque el relente le daba
Le puse mi chaquetilla

Le puse mi chaquetilla
Porque tiritaba y yo la veía, 

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Eight Flamenco Dance Lessons Learned From Emilio Ochando


Eight Flamenco Dance Lessons Learned From Emilio Ochando

Last weekend we studied flamenco dance with Emilio Ochando. In class we were reminded that learning steps is one thing while learning how to execute them and use our bodies well is another thing. Below find eight lessons I took away from the workshops with Emilio: 

1. Accent

Create accents with the body, the hands, the feet. This gives your dance dynamics and personality.

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A Mini-Interview with Emilio Ochando (Video)


A Mini-Interview with Emilio Ochando (Video)

It's always fun to get a sneak peek into a flamenco dancer's life. So here's a brief video interview I did with Emilio Ochando last time he was in Portland. You'll find out what he enjoys about both teaching and performing as well as what kind of pre-performance rituals he does. Watch to the end for some outtakes. (The volume is low, and the quality is not the best, but don't worry, there are subtitles. Plus it gives you a chance to see just how gosh-darn cute this incredibly talented guy is!)

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Viernes con una Letra | Cantiñas

Cantiñas con abanico.  That is what we're doing in one of the workshops with Emilio this weekend.

And I am inspired beyond belief.

We're dancing to Miguel Poveda's Casa Pavón.  Here is the first letra...

Donde están los colegiales 
Plazoletilla del Rey
donde están los colegiales
al punto de la oración
unos entran y otros salen.

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Emilio Has Some Answers (and soon he'll have even more)


Emilio Has Some Answers (and soon he'll have even more)

An interview with flamenco dancer Emilio Ochando and a video:

I can't wait to ask Emilio a million things once he gets here.  I asked him some questions last year.  But I have so many more!  Like how did he get to be so good?  And who are his favorite dancers?  And what are his favorite practice techniques and strategies?

I know he has a lot to tell us.

So I warmed him up with a few quick questions the other day.  And here is what he had to say.

Qué debe saber la gente que quiere aprender a bailar flamenco? Deben saber que no deja de ser un arte y que ello te lleva a emociones.  Tambien le tienes que sumar la constancia y ganas.

What should people who want to learn flamenco know? They should know that it will never stop being an art and that it will bring up your emotions.  Also you need to be consistent and approach it with enthusiasm.

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4 Simple Tips to Becoming Better at Flamenco

Ricardo was here this case you hadn't heard.  He was constantly giving us tips during the workshops.  Many great tips.  I've shared some of them and I'll surely share more.

But perhaps just as helpful were the little phrases I heard him say over and over again.

He didn't really intend them as tips.  They were not things that he carefully considered before sharing with us.  They were more just reactions, spoken in the moment.

And, oh, these little comments had a lot to tell me.

So I want to keep hearing them.

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Viernes con una Letra | tangos

It's tangos.  Tangos that we danced tonight in class...  We did this letra on Wednesday too.

And everybody looked so happy when they were suddenly dancing to cante.

Because there's just something about dancing to the cante.  Marcandolo, rematandolo.  Simply put, It's fun.

After class some started asking questions, "What was that song?"  So, here it is.  Oooo, and soon I get to sing it with the first graders.  I love watching them accompany each other, dancing and singing...


Sentaito en mi escalera
esperando el porvenir
el porvenir que nunca llega.

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