Today a video of Emilio Ochando (who will be in Portland next month for workshops!) dancing alegrías and a letra.

Alegrías de Cádiz

A Cai no le llaman Cai,
que le llaman relicario, 
porque por patrona tiene
a la Virgen del Rosario.

They don't call Cádiz 'Cádiz.'
They call it a shrine.
Because the Virgin of Rosario
is its patron saint.

Here's Emilio dancing to this letra. Check out those arm circles, the turns, the form. his GRACIA, ok, everything really. ¡Qué arte!

You can get more info about cantes de Cádiz here.

Emilio Ochando

He was recently was awarded 1st place in the 2016 Talent Madrid Contest in the dance category and 1st place in the 2016 Certamen Danza Española for group choreography. WOW!!! He comes highly recommended by Ricardo and has been loved by everyone during past workshops. Let me tell you why...

  • He is a fabulous dancer (and I mean fabulous. It is such a treat to watch him.) This means instant inspiration along with lots of instances to put pictures of him in your mind.

  • He is a skilled, patient, and organized teacher. He'll show us cool moves and break them down to make it possible for you to really get them.

  • He is a gifted choreographer and so creative and brings fresh and super-cool moves.

  • He has tons of energy to give to us.

  • And, of course, he brings the essence of España and flamenco, that special energía that we just can't get every day (most days) here in Portland.

  • Oh, and he's fun and so, so sweet and giving.

You can get details about Emilio's workshops here.