Here’s a simple marcaje that uses the abanico to make a little bit of noise.⁣

With this step we close the fan when tapping it against the body to make sounds.⁣

TIP: Use a light touch when tapping the fan against your body to prevent it from breaking!

(You’ll also get a better sound this way. )

The step goes like this…⁣

Steps & Counts:⁣

𝟭𝟮 right step with the full foot (You may do this strong as a golpe or lighter)⁣

𝟭 ⁣left ball of the foot⁣ behind*⁣

𝟮 right whole foot⁣

𝟯 left step with the whole foot⁣

𝟰 right ball of the foot⁣ behind*⁣

𝟱 left whole foot⁣

𝟲 right whole foot⁣

𝟳 ⁣left ball of the foot⁣ behind*⁣

𝟴 right whole foot⁣

𝟵 left whole foot⁣

𝟭𝟬 right ball of the foot⁣ behind*⁣

𝟭𝟭 left whole foot⁣

*Optional:  Slide the foot between the 1, 4, 7 & 10)⁣

Fan movement⁣

Begin with the abanico open.⁣

𝟭𝟮 fan back & forth lazily ⁣

𝟭 “⁣

𝟮 ⁣”⁣

𝟯 “⁣

𝟰 “⁣

𝟱 “⁣

& drop arm to close fan⁣

𝟲 nothing

& tap left shoulder w/fan ⁣

𝟳 nothing

& tap left arm w/fan ⁣

𝟴 nothing

&  tap left thigh w/fan ⁣

𝟵⁣ nothing⁣

𝟭𝟬 snap fan open*⁣

𝟭𝟭 rotate wrist to align fan*⁣

Will you try this step?

Let me know below.

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