Here’s a letra we heard Jesús Méndez sing live here in Jerez last night.

Malagueña del Mellizo

Toda la nochecita me llevo
sentadito en mi balcón
y cuando siento los pasitos tuyos
se me alegra el corazón

I spend all night
sitting on my balcony
and when I feel your steps
it warms my heart

He was doing a recording to be for el Día Internacional del Flamenco, International Day of Flamenco, along with Santiago Lara and Carmen Herrera. (Stay tuned as I’ll add a link to the video of the live show here once it’s released!)

The Flamenco Tour to Jerez gang got to go to this show as guests of Santi.

We felt so excited however it was happening on the same night we were going to see Manuel Liñan’s ¡Viva! at the Teatro Villamarta.

Anyhow, our first show started late, so while we got to see Jesús’s set and the first part of Santi’s, we had to miss Carmen dancing, with José Mijita, in order to make it to our next show.

Why do so many good things have to be happening at the same time?! (Oh yeah, because we’re in Spain.)

And now, watch Jesús Méndez sing today’s letra here at about 5:45:

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I took the cover photo of Jesús Méndez and Pepe del Morao during last night’s show at the Teatro Cajasol de Jerez.
