Part 1: La Mañana
We never begin classes too early on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez.
It is España, after all.
They begin between 10:00 and 11:00 depending upon the day.
People tend to get up at a time that feels good to them.
So, what happens before class?
Some people go overto the bar for café, zumo, and tostadas.
Coffee, fresh squeezed orange juice, and toast with myriad toppings.
Those who don’t drink coffee might choose tea. (My personal favorite is menta poleo, peppermint infusion.)
Others stay in their apartments and have breakfast there.
Because not everyone eats toast,
Not everyone wants to be social in the morning,
And we do have kitchens in our apartments.
Some people alternate depending upon the day.
And then?
Morning people may go out and do things before class.
Like shop for instance…
Or laundry perhaps…
“There’s something surreal about hanging clothes to dry on the roof first thing in the morning while swallows soar and sing all around me. I might bust out a Disney tune!”
Others might stay in their rooms to write.
Or to meditate.
(Or even just to sleep longer.)
In other words,
People begin the day as they please.
And when it’s time for class, everybody heads to the studio.
I hope you enjoyed the morning.
I’ll see you in the next post for class with Mercedes!
(First laundry photo and first bedroom photo by Seana Yee of Sherry Sips. Selfie at breakfast from Margaret Chung.)