
Paso el río paso el puente
y siempre la veo lavando
que pobrecita de mi madre
que el sol me la está quemando

I pass the river, I pass the bridge
and I always see her doing the wash
oh my poor mother
the sun is burning her

You can hear this letra at 4:30 in the video of Maria Terremoto that I live-streamed on Facebook last week from Jerez.

It was the first night of the Flamenco Tour to Jerez.

The ladies had been arriving throughout the day. After our opening night tapas reception those who still had energy joined me to watch her perform at the Peña de la Buena Gente.

She and her musicians were AMAZING.

A Note

This tangos verse seems to have been derived from a longer traditional Spanish song. I found many references and variations when researching it, like this from Malagapedia.

Más Letras from the video

This is the first letra she sings, Te tengo que ver llorar.

And she sings this one, Triana, at 2:20.

Want More María???

You can see another video from that night (María por bulerías) here.

She will blow you away with this Canastera

And here she is singing at the Bienal de Sevilla
