You are going to LOVE the video below of Farruquito, El Yiyo, and friends in fin de fiesta at Café Berlin.

But first, here’s one of the letras you’ll hear:


Mamá que me araña el gatito
échalo p’allá
échalo un poquito.

Mom, the cat is scratching me
get it out of here
get it away from me.

You can hear this one at the end in the video below. (Though you’re going to want to watch the whole thing.)

You can also listen to it here in the bulerías scene from Carlos Saura’s, Flamenco, about three minutes in.

(This is a version of this one.)


This is such a seemingly simple letra, yet I struggled with this translation. I found it challenging to translate échalo in this context. Thank you, Emily of Saffron Translations for your consultation on this. How would you translate this one? Let me know in the comments below!

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