I hope your summer is going better than this…


¡Ay! Estoy pasando un verano
que yo no me divierto un día,
¡Ay! mientras mi tío Cayetano
se está gastando en bebía
¡Ay! que to el dinero que yo gano

Oh I’m having such a bad summer
I’m having no fun,
for my Uncle Cayetano
is spending all of the money I earn
on drinks

Listen to Manuel Escacena sing it here and here.

José Mijita sings his version of this letra por bulerías. (As soon as I find an example of that, I’ll add it to this post for you to hear.)

In our Understanding Bulerias workshop with him and Carmen Herrera, perhaps we’ll get to hear him sing it!

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Cover photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash
