In honor of Pamela,

Here are the first and last coplas from the sevillana, El Adiós, that I and many others danced alongside Pam many a time with our first flamenco teacher, Faly, Rafaela de Cádiz.

I can picture her now, with her bright smile, dancing sevillanas with so much joy.

From: El Adiós (Sevillanas)
Manuel Garrido

La Primera
Algo se muere en el alma
cuando un amigo se va,
y va dejando una huella
que no se puede borrar

First Verse
Something in the soul dies
when a friend goes,
leaving a footprint
that cannot be erased

La Cuarta
Ese vacío que deja
el amigo que se va
Es como un pozo sin fondo
que no se vuelve a llenar

Fourth Verse
This emptiness left by
that friend who goes
is like a well without an end
that can never be refilled

You can find the words to the full song here.

Listen to los Amigos de Gines sing the whole song below: