Looking for a simple marcaje to add to your bank of bulerías steps?⁣

Here’s one you can use in a variety of ways: ⁣

👉🏽 Do this step once or multiple times within your dance.⁣

👉🏿 Repeat just the first part and wait for the caída to do the last part.⁣

👉🏼 Use it within your dance.⁣

👉🏾 Use it as your salida to start things off. ⁣

Try it with me here:

Some Notes:


Be sure to leave some space between your right arm and the side of your body. ⁣

(In other words, air out your armpit.)😁⁣

Steps & Counts:

12 right golpe ⁣ (stomp)⁣

1 left tap⁣ (with ball of foot)⁣

2 left step (full foot)⁣

3 right golpe ⁣

4 left tap⁣

5 left step ⁣

6 right planta (ball of foot)⁣

7 ⁣🚫⁣

8 ⁣left planta

9 ⁣ 🚫⁣

10 ⁣right planta (slight jump down & lift left knee)*⁣

11 left planta

*This isn’t really a full jump. It’s just a little jump down with the step to accent it.⁣

Could you see yourself using this step in your bulerías pataíta?⁣

Comment ‘si’ or ‘no’ below.

🐱 P.S. Did you notice Frances the Cat in the lower left corner watching my every move. 😹⁣

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