Do you love these words as much as I do?


Yo quisiera tener
la boquita de caramelo
pa yo hablarte sin ofender

I would like to have
a mouth made of candy
so that I could speak to you without offending you

So good, ¿Verdad?

You won’t hear this letra in the video below, but I wanted to give you something to watch.

It’s an oldie but a goodie.

I own this DVD and used to watch Pastora Galván dance this tientos over and over and over and over again. This is not the best quality, but I know you’ll still be able to enjoy it:

What’s one flamenco video you’ve watched over and over again and still can’t get enough of? Let me know in the comments below.

Here are some awesome tientos videos:


The House I Lived In

I No Longer Love You
