This week's letra comes at the request of a reader. She is learning a soleá to this music and wanted to know the words. 

Here is the first letra:


Por qué no te levantas tempranito
que al castillito quiero ir
me han dicho que con el alba
se oye el eco de Joaquín el de la Paula

Why don't you get up early
I want to go to the castle
They told me that at dawn
you hear the echo of Joaquin el de la Paula

You can listen to Jeromo Segura sing about one minute in here, and you can hear Arcángel sing it here.

Here you can learn about Joaquin el de la Paula, who is referred to in the letra, and his role in the creation of the soleá de Alcalá. There are no recordings of his cante.

(I used to link to a video that talked about his family and went into greater detail about his role int he creation of this form, but the video has since been removed. If you should ever find it, please let me know in the comments below, and I will add it back!)

Is There A Letra You  Want to Know The Words To?

Let me know in the comments below. I'd love to help.

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