Today in honor of International Dance Day, I have a couple of videos to share with you that will surely make you want to move. You'll love how into it Paloma Fantova gets in the first video. After that watch Parrita sing today's letra. 

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Danza!

El Agua Más Cristalina (Chorus)
El Parrita

El agua más cristalina
El vaso más reluciente

El mejor mantel que tenga voy a ponerle
No viene a cenar cualquiera

Viene el señor de señores
Y el rey de reyes

The clearest water
The shiniest glass

The best tablecloth I have I'll put down for him
Not just anyone is coming to dine

The Lord of Lords is coming,
And the King of Kings

You'll see Paloma Fantova dance to today's letra at the end of the video below at Cardamomo Tablao. (This tablao was suggested by readers as an addition to my list of places to see flamenco in Madrid.) And notice Paloma's hair at the beginning and the end of her piece. She is all in. Speaking of people getting into it, check out this alegrías by Belén López at Casa Patas. (The next weekly letra will feature another video of Belén, so stay tuned for that!)

(You can also hear this coletilla in the video above.)

Now watch Parrita perform the whole song (and hear a very different interpretation of the chorus) in the video below:

Happy International Dance Day! And if you're ready to dance, join us for classes in Portland, Oregon, the Flamenco Retreat at the Oregon Coast or the Flamenco Tour to Spain.

Oh, and here's one more video here's one more video I'm loving today. It's from the Royal Conservatory of Professional Dance Mariemma. (If you like castanets, you're going to love this one.)

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EDIT: I changed the original translation of el señor de señores to the Lord of Lords thanks to a suggestion from José Solano. Thanks, José!
