I'm still on a high from last weekend's tangos workshops. Por eso, a tangos letra for you today along with a video of Rocío Segura singing all kinds of letras, and an activity to improve your tangos dancing from home.

Tangos de la Repompa

Mamá, mamá no quiero eso,
Mamá, mamá no quiero na,
Quiero que vengas a verme
de tu propia voluntad

Mom, Mom I don't want that,
Mom, Mom, I don't want anything,
I want you to come to see me
of your own accord

Olé. She sings all kinds of great letras to dance to. (See below for some guidance on how to practice your tangos to the video.)

You can hear this letra (it's the first one she sings),

and this letra at 4 minutes 30 seconds,

and this letra at 5 minutes,

and this letra at 7 minutes.

And you can hear Marisol sing today’s letra again here at 2:30.

An Activity For You

In Tangos: The Next Step we practice adapting our moves to the cante and familiarizing ourselves with different letras in order to do this with greater ease.

Let's practice:

  1. Choose some marcajes, remates, and a llamada to work with.

  2. Play the video above

  3. Dance along following the cante. [Mark during the letra, and try adding in a remate with a caída or cambio and/or during a respiro (break in the singing). Listen for the end of the letra then do your llamada in response to that.]

  4. Try this with each of the letras she sings. Do it, mess up, see what feels good, try again!

Let me know how it went for you in the comments below.

Need to Brush Up on Your Flamenco Lingo?

Check out Oscar Nieto's Flamenco Glossary. It's a great one from one of my favorite people, and it's very comprehensive!
