Lately I've had bulerías on my mind . . . I've been watching bulerías, listening to bulerías, dancing bulerías (in class, at home, in my head).

Naturally, the moves I'm currently working with during the 10-Day Dance Like You're In Class With Mercedes Ruíz Home Challenge are por bulerías.

So, today I offer you some bulerías inspiration via a video of Manuel Liñan dancing and a letra that David Carpio sings to him. There's also a quick activity for you at the end of the post. (I know, I'm big on activities this week.)


La vida son de momentos
y en un momento se va
Por eso vivo la vida
disfrutando los momentos
los momentos que me da

Life is made up of moments
and in one moment it can all disappear
This is why I live life
enjoying the moments,
the moments that it gives me

Here's that video. It's Manuel Liñan dancing bulerías in Nómada. (with Miguel Ortega, David Carpio, Miguel Lavi, Francisco Vinuesa, Victor Tomate, Adrian Santana, Yonatan Miro, Inmaculada Aranda, Anabel Moreno, Agueda Saavedra). I saw this show with Ricardo in Santa Barbara. Even my nieces and sister got to see it, and it was beyond incredible.

You can hear David Carpio sing today's letra at 2 minutes 19 seconds. You can also hear this coletilla at (I'm completely in love with how my best friend dances around David during that part, aren't you?) At the very end you'll also hear this coletilla

A Brief Activity for You:

As you know I'm big on learning by observation, so in this exercise where we do just that:

  • Watch the video and pay attention to where Manuel does remates in relation to the cante. What do you notice? How can this help you when it's your turn to get up and dance bulerías?

  • Let me know in the comments below.

(By the way, you can hear David Carpio singing the letra in another performance here at 2:40.)


I'm offering a beginning bulerías class on Saturdays this September. Join me!