One year comes to an end, another begins. Which means ... It's time to party! Read Manuel Machado's words on how we might do this flamenco style, and watch a video of Montse Cortés and Chonchi Heredia singing it live with Paco de Lucia below.

Then check out the end of this post where I share four flamenco events I'm looking forward to in the coming year.

Manuel Machado

Una fiesta se hace
con tres personas: 
Uno baila, otro canta
y el otro toca. 
Ya me olvidaba
de los que dicen ¡Olé! 
y tocan palmas.

It takes three people
to have a party: 
One dances, one sings
and the other plays guitar. 
I forgot
about those who call out, 'Olé!'
and play palmas.

Here you can watch and listen to Paco de Lucía playing Patio Custodio with Niño Josele, Chonchi Heredia, Montse Cortés, Alain Perez, Israel Suarez, "El Piraña," and Antonio Serrano. You can hear this letra seven minutes in. 

Happy New Year! ¡Feliz año nuevo!

I found this letra here and here.

Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2017

  1. The Flamenco Retreat at the Oregon Coast in January

  2. Emilio Ochando Workshops in February

  3. Ricardo López Workshops in March

  4. The Flamenco Tour to Jerez with Mercedes Ruíz in May

What are you looking forward to in the new year? Let me know in the comments below.

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