Ready to dance?

Below find another step to put with any palo in the rhythm of twelve.

Let’s learn it step by step:

See an example of this with music here.

(I dance it to soleá por bulerías in the example.)

See this step on Instagram here.

Steps & counts:⁣

1st compás:

𝟭𝟮 step out with the ball of the right foot and hold for the duration of the compás ⁣

2nd compás:

𝟭𝟭 tap in right (w/ball of the foot)⁣

𝟭𝟮 tap out right ⁣

𝟭 pause⁣

𝟮 tap in right⁣

𝟯 tap out right⁣

𝟰 pause

𝟱 tap in right⁣

𝟲 tap out right⁣

𝟳 start walking in a circle with left foot ⁣

𝟴 right

𝟵 left ⁣

𝟭𝟬 right (leave leg stretch a bit to the back and side)⁣

A Note About The Arms:

During the first compás use the muscles in your back to raise the arms leading with the elbows. ⁣

Stretch the left side of the body up as you raise the left arm up.

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