I asked Emilio, who is coming here very very very soon, to give me a favorite letra.

He couldn't decide. "Fandangos," he said, any and all. (I LOVED the fandangos dance he taught us last year.)

So, I want you to see this video of Arcángel, cantando por fandangos. I saw him sing fandangos live, and oh my goodness, it was beyond incredible. Me ponían los pelos de punta. He is from Huelva…

In the video you hear this and this and this...


Vente al Alosno niña
vente temprano
te daré el aguardientilla
entre mis manos
soy del Alosno
soy alosnero  
y mi fandango más quiero.

Come to Alosno, Girl
come early
I will give you alcohol
from my hands
I am from Alosno
I am an “alosnero”
and I love my fandango the most.

You've heard me say it before, translating is a challenge.  Let me know if you have any thoughts.

Me ponían los pelos de punta - gave me goosebumps

