May 13-15, 2022 - Emilio Ochando
“I heart Emilio. His workshops were a crazy-fun sweat-inducing challenge, and he taught us some amazingly simple techniques that I’ll be able to use in my everyday practice. And I loved his Tangos choreography!” – Heather Williams, Portland, OR
“I have been attending workshops for a number of years with Experience Flamenco. The workshops are always organized well and communication regarding payment and schedules are always timely. On a more personal note, the guest instructors are fantastic! This last workshop was taught by Emilio Ochando, he is a generous teacher with professional experience. I learned so much!! Within the workshops, Laura creates a sense of community- people from all over the US are able to come and dance together in a positive environment. What a gift we are given to study with so many excellent teachers!” - Kelli Brown
“This was one of the most challenging, fun, worthwhile, and sweat-inducing things I've done. Thank you, Laura, for putting Emilio on our path. I can't wait for the next one! And thank you to all the advanced students who made this a safe place for beginners to try our best without feeling out of place. I am grateful to them as well. :)” - Nangel Hoffman
“I love Emilio because he is a dedicated and thorough artist and on top of that humble! I love his choreographies. I had never taken a mantón workshop and with him I learned a lot of technique in little time I even surprised myself! Emilio, you rock! Me encanta Emilio porque es un artista entregado, completo y aparte humilde! Me encantan sus coreografías. Yo nunca había tomado mantón y con él aprendí mucha técnica en poco tiempo, hasta yo me sorprendí, eres un crack.” Kethrin Johnson, Seattle, WA
"Laura, thank you for bringing Emilio. I liked him so much. He's a great dancer and teacher and I hope to see him again." ”Laura gracias por traer a Emilio , me gusto muchísimo es un buen bailaor y buen maestro. Espero verlo otra vez.” – Rafaela de Cadiz, Portland, OR/Cadiz. Spain
”Emilio is a phenomenal dancer and a skilled and inspirational teacher. He made us work hard from the first minute to the last, but it was well worth it! I hope he comes back to Portland, and does a performance. I would highly recommend his workshops to others.” – Julie Pacheco-Toye, Portland, OR
"Wonderful memories of you, Emilio and the entire Portland flamenco community! What a wonderful workshop and weekend! "Completamente impresionante!!!" - Cathy Zambrano-Glidden, CA
“Not only is he an incredibly talented dancer, but he is such a generous teacher who has a way of making everyone feel at ease around him!! What a beautiful artist and person!!” - La Eimi
"Laura, I love the vibe in your workshops and the mega talented and generous guest teachers/artists that you're able to bring to Portland. I am extra lucky to be able to take part!" – Shyiang Strong, Vancouver, Canada
"Laura, Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks--for bringing wonderful artists to Portland, your support, knowledge, laughter and grace--thank you!!! The last five days were so much fun, my brain is melted and I am inspired!" – Erica McCurnin, Portland, OR
“Each experience is awesome! How much we learn!! Emilio such an earthy, strong dancer! passionate and we are all so proud! We are so blessed to have all these celebrities in Portland so frequently! feels like being in Spain... thank you Maestra for being so generous with us in every way! Tell Emilio he is phenomenaaaaal!!! Muchas gracias por su amor y pasión por el flamenco... por transmitirlo...” - Connie Bieberach
“It was the clearest and most well taught palmas class I have ever taken. The patterns were clean and understandable and the repetition was just right. That is a class I would not miss again. Thank you Emilio and thank you Laura for bringing such high quality artists here,” – Diana Bright, Portland, OR