July 16 - 3:30-4:30

The study of bulerías is an ongoing processWe will work on becoming more comfortable with bulerías ~

  • executing our moves
  • responding to the cante
  • understanding the compás

Will we learn new material? Yes, but you'll also use material you've already learned (perhaps here, perhaps somewhere else). We will focus on accessing and implementing our current moves without struggle, understanding why we do things where we do them in the dance.

Is there a prerequisite? It is best to have taken the Ins & Outs of Bulerías de Jerez or to have studied bulerías with me previously.  If you haven't done this, contact us, and we'll talk about whether or not this would be a good class for you.

But, wait, I MISSED the Understanding Bulerías Series That's ok, I will be teaching it again in the future. Let me know if you're interested, and once we have a minimum number of people, we'll start it over again.  (You might also like to take some private or semi-private lessons to get you up to speed.)

Price: $15