You want to be a good PERFORMER?!
Perhaps you DON'T want to perform but want to reap the benefits of learning to do so. This workshop is for YOU. It will equip you with the tools to perform flamenco and an actual performance opportunity.
When is this happening?
Some tips for being a good performer
- Practice correctly & with intention
- Refine your skills
- Be willing to receive feedback
- Be willing to address - Ay! - emotional issues regarding yourself as a performer
- Learn from someone with experience who is willing to share
- Perform!
And here some things to remember
The History
I ran the first Get Your Guapa On workshop in August 2011. What started as a group of people learning together in the studio soon turned into a performance group, the PfE Dancers. Still gathering to learn in the studio but also gathering to perform. It has been exciting for me to see the evolution of this group, the growth of each dancer, and to see the participants come together to support one another. I so enjoy helping students reach their individual goals through this format, and I look forward to the possibilities as we continue to grow. The PfE Dancers is now an established group and new members may join with instructor permission only. If you're interested in joining the performance group, taking this workshop is the first step!
The idea is this: A workshop to help students develop and polish their skills, learn a new choreography, experience dancing in a group and solo (if desired), connect and dance with confidence, receive individualized feedback. Students come out as stronger dancers and performers!
Now is the perfect time We are having a student show in late June. This workshop will help you gain the skills to feel confident to get up and perform for your peers and family.
So, wait what is this anyway? A workshop designed for people interested in:
Becoming more comfortable performing & dancing Bringing their skills to a higher level & becoming more "polished" Advancing their repertoire Learning how to support others more strongly with palmas and jaleos Having a good time doing something they love in a constructive environment
Who will it be? Open to all interested & all levels (limited number of spaces available)
What if I don't really want to perform? (Or I want to, but I don't feel like I could possibly be ready any time in the next century) This workshop might still be for you! Even if you don't perform, you will be preparing as if you were going to perform and therefore getting much better whether you like it or not. You will be able to participate fully in the class and reap all of the other benefits. One may even chose to "sort-of" perform by just doing palmas and jaleos at the student show... Your goal might be to perfect a particular snippet of what you learn and try it out at a juerga and get to feel really good about getting up in front of fellow flamencos, Ay!
Will this prepare us for a particular performance? Yes! It will help to prepare you for any performance, but this will be especially helpful to prep students for the June show.
Can I still take this if I don't want to perform in June (or ever)? Yes. This will equip you with skills to use in performance or in other areas of your life. (I'm actually very serious when I say that.)
What happens during the workshop? This workshop is special and not open to drop-ins. I will teach a short choreography that participants may choose to later perform. (In the student show or elsewhere). We will also address skills particular to performance as mentioned above. We will address each dancer's individual goal(s), and dancers will receive personal feedback from me. Dancers will benefit from their own critiques as well as hearing others'. So, we will work on how to accompany fellow dancers with palmas and jaleos, perfecting technique within the piece, how to really "perform," and how to meet individual goals.
What if I don't have a goal (or what if I have too many)? Don't worry, I'm here to help with that if you desire. I will work with each person to develop a goal either prior to or soon after the first session. Maybe you already have something in mind, maybe you have several, maybe you have no idea. During a personal email consult with me, we will discuss this. I will help you formulate if need be or just clarify a main goal to work toward throughout the workshop. Then with personal feedback and class design I'll support you in reaching it. One big bonus to group learning is that every critique an individual receives usually pertains to everyone or can remind us of what we do well and want to maintain. During the first class, I would like for us to share why we are here and our intentions. This both provides accountability and allows us to support one another in meeting our goal. On the final day we'll check in and reflect upon the progress we've made and where we would like to go from there.
Will I have to get up by myself and perform for the class on the fly? Noooooooooooo. At the end of the final session you will be given an opportunity to dance by yourself in front of the others, but this is only if you want to.
Can I take this class only and no others? I strongly suggest and desire you take regular classes. A strong performer has as much exposure as possible, as much strength as possible, and gains confidence through repetitive exposure. Skills studied in other classes will help you succeed in this workshop. With that said, if this is the only class that interests you or that you're able to take right now then, yes, this can be your only class.
Can I not take the workshop and still dance in the student show in June? Yes. This will help to prepare you, but you can still do the show if you are enrolled in other classes with us.
When and Cost
So really, what all do I get?
- Individualized feedback to help with your personal advancement
- Guidance in setting goals (and reaching them)
- Personal development within the realm of flamenco and personal expression
- Support in addressing your fears (and using them to your advantage!)
- To be part of a group of fellow flamencos that will support and honor your arte
- An incentive, motivation to practice, something to work toward
- Refined skills and technique
- New dance moves!
- Stronger jaleos & palmas
- To learn from someone with experience who is excited to share all of her knowledge and skills
- And, finally, a LOT of fun.
Anything else? Oh yeah: You will also get secret performance tricks and strategies for possible awkward performance situations (i.e. It is broad daylight and I am looking out at a bunch of blank faces waiting for me to do something entertaining; how am I supposed to get into that flamenco place?) and other things that might come up...
This sounds like a lot, is all of this really possible in just 4 hours of class and an email consult with you? It will give us time to touch on and at least get an introduction to the ideas mentioned above. I'll offer more performance workshops in the future where you can continue to develop the skills covered in this Get Your Guapa On Workshop. And, the personal goal you set for yourself in this workshop, you may choose to continue to work toward in your regular classes.
Why do you, Laura, want to do this? For oh so many reasons, MUCHAS razones which you can read about here. Hint: I am excited to use my experiences growing up combined with my study of flamenco over the years and my study and experience teaching to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.