How I Went In | Class With Mercedes


How I Went In | Class With Mercedes

"I want to be in class with Mercedes ALL of the time." That is what I wrote in my journal on April 13, 2011.

But let's go back in time.

I arrived in Jerez on Friday, March 25 and began investigating classes to take.

Though secretly, I did not want to go to any.

A week in Jerez by myself.

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Nine Things To Do Before You Perform


Nine Things To Do Before You Perform

People are feeling nervous.

Nervous and anxious about the Student Showcase on Saturday.

I know this feeling.  Well.

So I thought I'd repost these tips today, performance tips.

Whether you're performing in front of your friends in class,

at a show in front of the public,

or even just in your own bedroom in front of your cat,

There are things we can do to ease our nerves ...

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Jasmine | Viernes con una Letra


Jasmine | Viernes con una Letra

I am in Córdoba.  I like it here.

This evening we were taking a stroll, my nieces, my sister, and I.

Dando un paseo

That's something I like about Spain.  Families and friends taking walks around the town together.  It is normal.  It happens every day.  So many people out and about.  Together.

We walked by jasmine

Lots of jasmine hanging down the wall.

El olor.

The smell.

And so, one of my favorite tangos, from Camarón along with a video ...

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Flamenco Guitarist Santiago Lara, a Video Interview


Flamenco Guitarist Santiago Lara, a Video Interview

When we're on the FlamencoTour, we hear Santi practicing. A lot.

Santiago Lara, that is.  

We're in the studio dancing.  He's either in the bathroom or upstairs practicing.  

When it's time to play for us Mercedes calls for him,


I can hear her saying it now.

Actually, if you listen carefully you can hear her saying it in the video below at about 1 minute 50 seconds...

I first interviewed him in the spring of 2013.  Unfortunately, I lost all of that footage.  I know, back up.

So, I interviewed him again last fall.

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How to Play Castanets for Sevillanas | La Tercera


How to Play Castanets for Sevillanas | La Tercera

You've probably read the basics about sevillanas.

And you've probably seen my detailed explanation of the steps to the sevillanas I learned in Jerez, from Harumi who learned them from Ani.

But now,

What about sevillanas with castanets?

The toque for the first sevillanas is here, along with the reason why I write them out in two different ways.

And you can find the toque for the second one here.

Today I post the third one ...

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"It Was My First Time in Spain"


"It Was My First Time in Spain"

For thirty years Stella had been wanting to travel to Spain. In the fall of 2013, she finally decided to make the trip.  And she did it by joining the FlamencoTour.

"How scary it would be to come alone,"

Stella says.

"Once you come back [home] then you realize what a precious jewel you had ...  and I'm jealous of people who are going to go."

Watch the video below to hear Stella talk about her experiences in Jerez.

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