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An Interview with Marco Flores


An Interview with Marco Flores

On the wall of her studio Mercedes has a photo of herself with Marco Flores when they were young.  I wish you could see it.   In the interview that follows Marco mentions how they danced together when they were starting out.  They still do.

You'll also find out about how Marco grew up with flamenco in his family, how he began his career, and about his process of creation.  He even shares some direct tips for us as students, though bits of advice can be found in all of his responses.

I originally posted it in 2011 and repost it today after watching snippets of his latest espectáculo from the 2014 Jerez Festival.  Oh how I want to see that show!  Further down you'll see a video of him dancing solo por siguiriyas.

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The things that happen in Cádiz | Viernes con una Letra

Here's an interpretation from Miguel Poveda of the popular Bulerías de Cádiz reflecting upon the current-day situation in Spain. Scroll down for an out-of-control amazing video of a live performance ¡que compás y gracia! with José Quevedo, Diego del Morao, El Londro, Luis Cantarote, and my (not real) boyfriend's real brother, Carlos Grilo.

Bulerías de Cai
¡Qué disparate!

Con el caray, caray, caray, 
éstas son las cosas que pasan en Cai,
que ni la hambre la vamos a sentir,
que mire usted que gracia tiene este país.

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Sleeping with Bulerías | Viernes con una Letra


Sleeping with Bulerías | Viernes con una Letra

Below find a snippet of my journal from Jerez, a video of Mercedes Ruíz dancing bulerías, a letra por bulerías, and a short activity for you to do while watching the video.

October 30, 2013

I played bulerías to help me fall asleep during siesta time.

Bulerías with lots of palmas and jaleos of course.

Who does that?

Someone who is in Jerez I guess.

Someone who is in Jerez and  just can't get enoughIt's a good thing I'm going back.

I listened to one that I recorded at the peña last night.

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