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Yo Hago el Monte Explotar | The Weekly Letra


Yo hago el monte explotar
con la mecha y la barrena
a ver si saco el metal
de esta mina traicionera
que conmigo va a acabar

I make the mountain explode
with the wick and drill
Let’s see if I get the metal
of this treacherous mine
It’ll be the end of me

Watch El Mimbre* dance to this letra at 2:30 in the video below:

You’ll hear this tangos letra at the end.

*I remember Matilde Coral talking about El Mimbre in our classes when I studied with her in Sevilla. I remember she talked about his elegant dancing and how he wasn’t afraid to move his fingers even though he was a male dancer. In fact, I still remember one of his bulerías step that she taught us. I think I remember it because I had to practice it over and over again to get it down. Some of those very first steps have never left my mind while others I’ve completely lost. It’s interesting. I think it may be because it was all so new combined with the fact that I had to practice them so many times to get them down so the sounds were forever imprinted in my mind.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash