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Day 5: Dance As If You Were in Class with Mercedes Holiday Challenge


Day 5: Dance As If You Were in Class with Mercedes Holiday Challenge

Only two days left of the challenge? I kind of can't believe how quickly it's going by...

Squeezing it in

I mentioned yesterday that I had an idea for squeezing in an exercise when you're feeling that there is no time.

Because there is time.

Let me tell you about how I brush my teeth.

Normally I do tree pose without arms when brushing my teeth. I did yoga long before I started flamenco, and tree pose has always been a favorite of mine.

But sometimes I’ll substitute a flamenco exercise, a marcaje or something for the hips.

During the challenge I’ve been doing an exercise from Mercedes when it's time to brush my teeth.

In the morning, at night, and during any brushings in-between.

That's more than four minutes of exercise time right there.

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Sinking In

I want to talk about sinking in. I want to talk about breaks.

I want to talk about stuff that relates to the wisdom of the body.

I want to talk about productivity.  

And how they're all connected.

Connected and overlapping...


Last Wednesday I went to the studio early before class to practice.  I felt tired.  So tired.  I walked in the door and suddenly felt even more tired.  I opened the curtains, opened the windows, turned on the fan.  Still so sleepy.  Sleepy all over.  Quite obviously my body was trying to tell me something very important.

Take a break.

So, I did.  I had to.  There was actually no other choice.

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