Tangos de Málaga
El papel entra en la imprenta
el barco entra en el puerto
el peine entra en la cabeza
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tangos de Málaga
Tangos de Málaga
El papel entra en la imprenta
el barco entra en el puerto
el peine entra en la cabeza
This is the letra we are dancing to this month in Beginning Baile
En Málaga, los serenos
van diciendo por las calles
que duerma el que tenga sueño
que yo no despierto a nadie.
Guitarists, I think you’re going to like this one.
Following the letra you’ll find a video that touches on how you can accompany something like this.
Here's a tangos letra and a video (that you'll love) of La Lupi dancing to it. Enjoy!
Tangos de la Repompa
En el cristal de mi copa
tu cara se reflejó,
y aquel poco de licor
que yo me llevé a la boca
de veneno me sirvió.
Mientes como hay Dios
I love this tangos from Tomás de Perrate. (It's fusion well done.)
Watch and enjoy, and find the first letra below:
Yo me quisiera inventar
Una máquina del tiempo
Tangos del Titi
Mi mare me lo advirtió
que a ningún forasterito
le diera conversación
My mother warned me
not to strike up a conversation
with a stranger
You can hear Argentina sing this letra in the video below
For the English translation, click here.
Go to 1 minute in the video below to hear this letra.
One more tangos that David was using with us last week...
Viva Málaga la bella,
tierra de tanta alegría,
que si a prueba me pusiera,
por ella daría la vida
Long live Malaga the beautiful,
land of so much happiness,
that if she put me to the test,
for her I would give my life
The first time I went to Sevilla I met this guy, José Luís. No, it wasn't like that. You could say he was a friend of a friend.
Just scroll down to the bottom of the post for today's letra and a really cool video.
So José Luís is one of those people who is constantly telling jokes.
Well, constantly saying funny things is more like it because they're not jokes, not exactly. Some people call them jokes, but they're not what I have ever understood to be jokes. I guess because I'm American. And not just that, but I'm from Oregon.
José Luís is always saying funny things and making himself, and other people if they get it, laugh.
You could call him witty, but it's more than that. It's witty in a Sevillano way. Ingenioso. Agudo. That's what the dictionary is calling it.
Actually, that's not what I think at all, it's just today's letra...
More Tangos del Titi
Ricardo is gone. I'm missing him. Here's another tangos we danced with him...
Adiós patio de la cárcel
rincón de la barberia
el quien no tiene dinero
lo afeita con agua fría
Tangos. And a brief departure from the bulerías series. I'll come back to it soon. Last weekend Ricardo taught us some Tangos de Málaga. And this weekend, we'll get more. Below, a letra he sang for us.
(...de Málaga, del Piyayo, del Titi)
Te pongas como te pongas
si eres fea lo serás
por mucho que te compongas