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Basic Flamenco Footwork Terminology


Basic Flamenco Footwork Terminology

Sound made with the feet in flamenco is most commonly called zapateado, coming from the word zapato (shoe.)  It can also be called taconeo coming from the word tacón (heel).  Here are the basic flamenco footwork techniques that are used to create sound patterns with the feet.

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Tangos & Tanguillos | The Weekly Letra


Tangos & Tanguillos | The Weekly Letra

Tangos flamencos are sensual and playful. Earthy and fun. Grounded and feminine. Tangos is a four-count rhythm and can be one of the most comfortable flamenco rhythms to groove to. Check out this video of La Lupi teaching and rehearsing tangos with the Ballet Nacional de España, and you'll see what I mean. There are a variety of tangos letras of different lengths and subject matter. Here's one for you today followed by video of a very young Estrella Morente signing it.


Cautivaron a una mora
y a España se la trajeron
y en la pila del bautismo
Candelaria le pusieron.

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Should I Put Myself Out There? (& Why Should I Listen to Flamenco Music?) | The Weekly Letra


Should I Put Myself Out There? (& Why Should I Listen to Flamenco Music?) | The Weekly Letra

Thinking about that first trip to Spain in 1998 has reminded me that I need to step it up in the doing things that scare the *#%~&> out of me category. Read on for a lesson around that idea and more of my story from that first trip. Also, find out why it's essential to listen to flamenco music, read a letra about Sevilla, then see a video of Juana la del Revuelo, Aurora Vargas, and Remedios Amaya ...

During my time in Sevilla I saw these women perform. During my time in Sevilla I saw these women perform live. As you'll see from the video below, it was wonderful. Their CDs were among some of the first I purchased once I accepted the fact that I needed to start listening to flamenco music. You see, in the beginning I wasn't very interested in listening to the music, especially cante, unless I was dancing, but Chris convinced me to start listening. He said I needed to do this to understand and internalize the compás.

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It's my Language ~ Perico Navarro, one more interview


It's my Language ~ Perico Navarro, one more interview

It's the final installment of the interview series with Perico Navarro.  Today he shares some advice for all students, talks about what inspires him, talks about the role of cajón in Jerez, and tells us how he feels about audiences in Jerez and beyond.  You'll also see a video with Mercedes Ruíz dancing to Paco Cepero's guitar with Pedro accompanying.


¿Qué te inspira? Yo como percusionista flamenco siempre voy acompañando algún artista. 

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