A few weeks ago a flamenco loving Spanish student contacted me and asked if I could help her with the words from the following tangos sung by Luis Ortega.
As with any traditional flamenco song, this one is a collection of unrelated verses that Luis puts together to form a “song.”
It's week two of bulerías shared by Zorri.
No sé lo que te han contao
que hasta vuelve la cabeza
cuando pasa por mi lao
I don't know what they told you
that has you turn your head,
when you pass by my side
Today a whole song and a video of La Paquera singing it.
Maldigo Tus Ojos Verdes
Antonio Gallardo, Nicolás Sánchez Ortega
En la soledad de mis noches sin luna
busco los luceros de tus ojos verdes
y como una loca repito tu nombre
porque tengo miedo de tanto quererte
Tengo que buscar la vida
con la cruz de tu traición
soy esa rama caída
que a nadie da compasión.
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