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From Copla to Cuplé (Part 2) | The Weekly Letra


From Copla to Cuplé (Part 2) | The Weekly Letra

For this second installment of the flamenco cuplé series, I want to show you the transformation of a song from its original form into a cuplé por bulerías. So here is a song famously interpreted by Rocío Jurado. First watch her sing it directly to Lola Flores (watch it all the way through to see what happens between the two of them at the end) then see how Fernanda de Utrera adapts it as a cuplé por bulerías.

Se Nos Rompió El Amor
Maria Alejandra Alvarez-Beigbeder Casas / Manuel Alvarez-Beigbeder Perez

Se nos rompió el amor
de tanto usarlo. 

De tanto loco abrazo
sin medida. 

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Be Careful | The Weekly Letra


Be Careful | The Weekly Letra

Today's letra(s) comes from Cuatro Soneto de Amor by Rafael de León. This is the second part, which you can see Mayte Martín sing live (Ten Cuidao) in the video below.

Me avisaron a tiempo: ten cuidado,
mira que miente más que parpadea,
que no le va a tu modo su ralea,
que es de lo peorcito del mercado.

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For Mom | The Weekly Letra


For Mom | The Weekly Letra

This one is dedicated to all the beautiful mothers, Happy Mother's Day! (Thank you, Mom!)

Madre Hermosa (Copla)
Juanito Valderrama

Ay, mi mare!, 
como un rayito de luna
regüerto con azahares. 
Mare hermosa, 
vieja de pena por dentro, 
por fuera como una rosa. 
Mare buena, 
con los ojitos de novia
y la cara de azucena. 
¡Qué alegría cuando
le digo a la gente: 
qué guapa la mare mía! 

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Mi Niña Lola | The Weekly Letra


Mi Niña Lola | The Weekly Letra

Today, this beautiful song, and a video of Buika performing it.

Mi Niña Lola
Andrés Molina Molés / José Torres Garzón / Luís Rivas Gómez

Dime porqué tienes carita de pena.
¿Qué tiene mi niña siendo santa y buena?
Cuéntale a tu padre lo que a ti te pasa.
Dime lo que tienes reina de mi casa.

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Flamenco Verses by Palo | The Weekly Letra


Flamenco Verses by Palo | The Weekly Letra

Sometimes you want to know a song to go along with the dance form you're studying in class. Other times you want to know the words to that particular flamenco song you like so much. And sometimes you long to know what those words mean.

I'd like to help you with that

Here you'll find a collection of letras (flamenco verses) organized by palo (flamenco form.)

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