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Luís El Zambo

Don't Tell Me You're Too Old To Dance | The Weekly Letra


Don't Tell Me You're Too Old To Dance | The Weekly Letra

Don’t tell me you’re too old to dance.

Because Tía Curra, who you’ll see dancing in the video below, was in her late seventies when I filmed it.

I know you’re going to love her signature move at the end where she taps her tummy with the palm of her hand to the compás.

But first, here’s a bulerías letra referencing La Calle Nueva, one of the most, if not the most, historically important flamenco streets located in the Santiago neighborhood of Jerez.

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I Almost Didn't Go


I Almost Didn't Go

I left almost immediately after the show ended last night.

And people said,  ¿Te vas Laura, Ya? 

"You're leaving, now?"

Sí, me voy.

Even though the show just ended. I wasn't even waiting to see if something exciting happened next.  I wasn't even staying to socialize some more. I was going home as early as 12:30 am...


It was a peña show last night. At Peña La Bulería.

Read on for a video and a story
