Today a whole song and a video of La Paquera singing it.
Maldigo Tus Ojos Verdes
Antonio Gallardo, Nicolás Sánchez Ortega
En la soledad de mis noches sin luna
busco los luceros de tus ojos verdes
y como una loca repito tu nombre
porque tengo miedo de tanto quererte
Tengo que buscar la vida
con la cruz de tu traición
soy esa rama caída
que a nadie da compasión.
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What I don't want right now
For Katie to leave today.
But she has already gone...Last Sunday when everybody else left, I felt like a mother whose babies were leaving. Even though I don't really know how that feels.
What else don't I want right now?
For myself to leave...
Read on for a video of Miguel Poveda, Jesús Méndez, and Perico Navarro and a beautiful letra by Antonio Gallardo.