How to Open a Flamenco Abanico
Don’t you love the feeling of snapping open the abanico?
There are many ways to open the abanico, the flamenco fan.
Here’s one of my favorite ways to do so:
How to do it step by step:
Begin by holding the abanico closed.
With your thumb and index finger grab onto the outer spine of the fan closest to you.
Let go of everything but this to allow the abanico to fall open.
You want the fan to open fully.
If it doesn’t fully open, use your pinky finger to reveal a full half moon shape.
The abanico is now vertically aligned.
Rotate your wrist to flip the abanico and align it horizontally.
Practice this sequence as many times as you need to.
Then, add some flair by accenting with the wrist.
To do this, flick your wrist when you initiate the movement and quickly rotate it to perform the whole movement in one beat.
This will give you that snapping sound.
Have fun with it!
(By the way, I am not angry in this video, just concentrating I guess.)
Check Out These Abanico Moves: