experience flamenco

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A Must-Watch Bulerías (Pastora Galván in Jerez) | The Weekly Letra

It was the fall of 2015, and we were in Jerez. The Flamenco Tour was well underway.

Walking home one day I spotted a poster advertising that Pastora Galván was to perform with the Makarines the following week at the Guarida del Ángel.


Could it really be? In such an intimate space? I asked around about it. Nobody seemed to know a thing, so I stopped by the venue to confirm. Yes, it was truly happening.

I told the ladies we had to go.

The night of the show we arrived early, eager to get a good spot, which we did, right in front where we could literally touch the stage.

We waited. And waited. And waited. I think the supposed start time was 10pm. No performers were even there at 10pm. Finally after an hour or so the musicians began arriving, Pastora included. Good news, we thought.

But nothing happened.

Some of the ladies, tired from standing, unsure if she would ever come on, went home. The rest of us waited some more. Eventually the band came out and began playing. But still no Pastora. Then finally, at the end of the set, she appeared, flamenco shoes on and ready to go. The band began playing bulerías, and Pastora did her thing. Those of us who stuck it out were SO GLAD we did. You can see why below…


Que no es mentira 
que de la noche a la mañana
me van a buscar la ruina

It’s no lie
that in the blink of an eye
they will destroy me

There is a very similar part in Camarón’s Carmela. I don’t know if it’s their take on that or if this is a traditional letra.

What was your favorite part of her dance?

Let me know in the comments below.

Now, here are the Makarines singing this letra alone:

*Thank you, Chiaki for capturing all of that on video!

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