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How to Improve Your Bulerías Without Moving Your Body | The Weekly Letra

Last week I wrote about some challenges I experienced while dancing bulerías and eight lessons I learned in the process. I'm not about to let those lessons go to waste, so I'm holding myself accountable by reporting back to you: Below I share one simple way I've been actively applying those lessons. It's something you too can do, today, to improve your bulerías. (You'll also find a letra at the end of the post.)

So as you know, I learned that I needed to practice and listen more. One thing I've been doing that addresses both at the same time is to squeeze them in while driving in the car. 


I've been playing bulerías (listening) and dancing in my head (practicing) paying attention to where I would put the remates and how I would do them. I've been keeping my 'practice' focused on listening for and responding well to the singer's resolve because that was an area of difficulty for me. 

Note: This activity could just as easily be done on the bus and could still be done, though not as easily, while walking. 

So, go ahead, try it, and let me know how it serves you below in the comments.

In addition,

During the past few days, I've experimented by considering the eight lessons when I've encountered struggles in my life outside of flamenco. Doing this has led me to solutions, indicated next steps, or just made me feel better.


By the way, I received SO MUCH feedback about that post in emails and on Facebook. I was fascinated (and comforted) by how many people could relate to my experiences with bulerías. I'd love to hear what you think too. You can find out more, and let me know how you relate here

A Letra

And now, here's another letra from last weekend with Alfonso:


Pajaritos jilgueros
¿Qué habeis comio?
Sopita de la olla
Y agua del río

Little goldfinches
What have you eaten?
Soup from the pot
And water from the stream.

Stay Tuned...

... for a brand new dance from home (as if you were in class with Mercedes) challenge coming soon!

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