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Two Take-Aways from Two Days of Class in Jerez

I've got two flamenco learning tips to share with you today. One from Mercedes and one from Ani. We're on day two of Flamenco Tour classes, and the classes have been going like this:

Technique with Mercedes in the morning. Bulerías with Ani right after. Then choreography and castanets with Mercedes after lunch and siesta.

Everybody loves Mercedes. Everybody loves Ani. All is well.

Class with Mercedes

The ladies go in and out of concentrating on the steps and being mesmerized by Mercedes and her magnificence.

Bacially, nobody can take their eyes off of her. And this is good because the more one observes her graceful movments the more likely one is to see images of her dancing in one’s dreams and internalize her movements.

All of my bad habits are illuminated in class with Mercedes.

Because we do everything so slowly. With so much repetition. And we're given all kinds of time to feel what our bodies are doing. Which leads me to,

An early take-away from class with Mercedes ~


Class with Ani

Ani and Zorri are keeping people well entertained in bulerías class.

There is laughing. There is learning. There is fear. There is bravery. There is fun.

Ani is noticing the need for more accentuation.

Accentuation off the body. Accentuation of sounds.

It’s one thing to ‘do’ the steps. It’s another thing to give them umph in certain parts. It’s one thing to be in compás. It’s another thing to have soniquete. And so,

An early take-away from class with Ani ~

Pay attention to the accents.

I look forward to collecting more tips as the Flamenco Tour progresses.

Follow me on Instagram to keep up with what's we're up to here in Jerez and what we'll be up to soon in Barcelona.

Your Take-Aways?

I'd love to know what you think. Tell me a take away from one of your flamenco classes? You can leave a comment below.